腦內啡(endorphin)亦稱安多芬或內啡肽,是一種內成性(腦下垂體分泌)的類嗎啡生物化學合成物激素。它是由腦下垂體和脊椎動物的丘腦下部所分泌的氨基化合物(肽) 。它能與嗎啡受體結合,產生跟嗎啡、鴉片劑一樣有止痛作用和欣快感,等同天然的鎮痛劑。
「跑步者的愉悅感」(runner's high)是指當運動量超過某一階段時,體內便會分泌腦內啡。長時間、連續性的、中量至重量級的運動、深呼吸也是分泌腦內啡的條件。長時間運動把肌肉內的糖原用盡,只剩下氧氣,腦內啡便會分泌。這些運動包括跑步,游泳,越野滑雪,長距離划船,騎單車,舉重,有氧運動舞或球類運動(例如籃球,足球或美式足球)。
在此順帶轉載關於 BMR 的計算法:
What are Basal and Resting Metabolic Rates (BMR and RMR)?
These two terms are used interchangeably, although they are not technically the same. Resting metabolic rate is really what most lay people mean when they say basal metabolic rate. Resting metabolic rate is the energy required by a human to stay alive with no activity. Your real metabolic rate is always significantly higher than your RMR. Calculating RMR is a very useful first step in calculating your real metabolic rate.
Your metabolic rate = your resting metabolic rate (easy to calculate reasonably accurately) + energy consumed by your daily activities (must guestimate).
For the vast majority of people, resting metabolic rate can be calculated knowing a few key variables. They are age, sex, weight, height.
Calculating your basal metabolic rate (BMR)
You take a certain percentage of your RMR and add that to the RMR, giving your total estimated metabolic rate.
Activity Level | Men | Women |
Sedentary (inactive) | 15% | 15% |
Lightly Active (most professionals, office workers, shop workers, teachers, homemakers) | 40% | 35% |
Moderately active (workers in light industry, most farm workers, active students, department store workers, solders not in active service, commercial fishing workers) | 50% | 45% |
Very active (full-time athletes and dancers, unskilled laborers, forestry workers, military recruits in training, soldiers in active service, mine workers, steel workers) | 85% | 70% |
Exceptionally active (lumberjacks, blacksmiths, female construction workers) | 110% | 100% |