While both types of protein present general health benefits, we want the protein that gives us the largest dose of usable muscle building protein and essential amino acids. This will help increase a maintain lean muscle mass, which will also aid fat burning.
As you know, we are looking for hard facts and data to make decisions about our bodies. Therefore, without further delay, the facts about soy versus whey protein.
mino acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids consist of four elements - carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. All three of the macro nutrients contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Unlike carbohydrates and fats,however, protein also contains nitrogen. This unique nature of proteins allows us to utilize the measures below to make decisions.
We examined several criteria in the soy versus whey protein debate. In general, the facts considered here are in favor of whey protein, especially if you choose to supplement your protein intake with a glutamine supplement and arginine supplement.
However, that is not to say that it is not a good idea to supplement with soy protein. Soy protein is shown to be an excellent source of protein and can be used effectively in bodybuilding supplementation, particularly for those who are vegetarians or lactose intolerant.